Figure Résidentielle
When a new spatial figure evolves in between existing boundaries.
This new film from director Sebastian Vargas, is set in between the process of architectural creation and a built house designed by Ruumfabrigg in 2018.
It starts on a remote meadow in Obstalden on which stands an object - it is a house clearly defined by its thick quarry stone walls. These stones seem to be telling the beginning of a story: A space being clearly outlined from the surrounding, starting from a regular rectangle, which stone over stone becomes a defined volume. On top the saddle roof completes the shell.
The enclosed space is the starting point for the new process of creation. The existing volume is understood as the opening situation in which the new agenda can evolve and become the new housing. Thus la figure residentielle evokes the question of where the creation process leads when architecture unfolds within guidelines and existing boundaries.
In the final outlook of the film we acknowledge a tree, an allegory that leads us back to the question of the process’ origin. What used to be speculation – the design idea and the models – have now evolved into reality. Yesterday and today are superposed in the new residential house. The fine wooden beams simply embed themselves in the archaic quarry stone masonry. New spatial references and visual relations are determined by the white walls. The new elements fit in with the existing, they frame independently a space. Their synergy creates the new figure in the existing shell - la Figure Résidentielle.
Text by:
Lorenza Donati
Project type:
Film, Architecture
Sebastian Vargas
David Baumann
Hugo Plagnard
Roli Deluxe
Sound Design:
Alban Schelbert & Niklas Stettler
Kairos Studio GmbH