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Feedback - Resonance - Resilience

«Feedback - Resonance - Resilience» is about psychological mechanisms, mental structures and emotional states. The components of music, physical phenomena and concepts are used to depict and process these abstractly and concretely. Resonances and vibrations are used as the audible part. Feedback can be seen in the form of video feedback but can also be heard acoustically. These phenomena also serve as a foundation for demonstrating social, psychological and human dynamics. The concept of resilience is shown and scrutinized in various forms. Tape loops in protected and self-destructive form serve as a medium. These are combined in a performative installation to provoke discussion and interaction.

Louie is studying Art & Education at ZHdK and has had the chance to follow various interests during his studies. The use of different forms of media and the relationship between abstraction and reality has been at the core of most of his artistic explorations and projects.

Louie Rechsteiner

2024 – ongoing

Art Education
BA Major
Zurich University of the Arts

Performative Installation


Performative Installation «Feedback - Resonance - Resilience» by Louie Rechsteiner. © ZHdK.
Performative Installation «Feedback - Resonance - Resilience» by Louie Rechsteiner. © ZHdK.