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Spare Pack

Industrial neglect inevitably leads to catastrophic results. The constant care and maintenance required to keep engines steaming ahead, powering consumption of all scales is a careful balancing act and more often than not, managing risk is what separates blissful ignorance from systemic breakdown.

Spare parts are the buffers that can quickly absorb shocks in production, reducing downtime to the minimum so that vast networks stay online. As robotic systems power more and more of our industrial infrastructures it is entire fleet of spare robots that are sitting idle, waiting patiently for their turn to replace fallen comrades on production lines, except there always comes a time when the world moves on and the dreaded word is branded: obsolete.

Robot dogs are entering industries around the world, walking and patrolling areas deemed not appropriate for Humans, it’s not long before fleets of dogs will be deemed obsolete and find themselves aimlessly roaming around abandoned spaces. These fleets will become packs, spare packs of wild robot dogs, with the occasional Human intruding on their territories.

Andrea Anner & Thibault Brevet


Robotic Installation


Image of «Spare Pack» by AATB. © Photo by Dirk Rose, Stiftung Zollverein, 2023.
Image of «Spare Pack» by AATB. © Photo by Dirk Rose, Stiftung Zollverein, 2023.