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Meteorite Map

The arrangement of the plants is inspired by the craters on Earth that are evidence of large meteorite impacts. What impact do the newly brought minerals from space have on our planet? How strong or sensitive is our environment on which we depend? Today's human influence is changing the biosphere and its non-human inhabitants as drastically as the meteorite did 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs became extinct. Humans are the new meteorite. The plants on the sculpture do not require soil and can only grow with light and moisture. Should we strive for a similar way of life when resources become scarce?

Donna Haraway, in her book «Staying with the Trouble», uses the term «kritters» to refer to microbes, plants, animals, humans, nonhumans, and even machines. This suggests that humans are no longer the only significant actors; Rather, it is about «making kinship» with other species. The goal is the flourishing of all living things and the realization that humans are only one of many realizable potentials for sensory experiences such as perception and touch. «Nature» is a word that is far too broad to be able to pin down in concrete terms. When Michael Hampe (2007) speaks of nature, he is operating with an expanded concept of nature. Hampe defines «nature» as what we are aware of in our perception. Nature itself has no nature, and therefore cannot be clearly separated from culture. If you look in larger or smaller proportions, it becomes obvious that the separation is fluid.

Leandra Agazzi




Aktionsraum: 5.K06 (level 5)

Image «Meteorite Map». © Leandra Agazzi.
Image «Meteorite Map». © Leandra Agazzi.