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Posthuman Wombs / Virtual Wombs

«Posthuman Wombs» is a 28-minute VR-trip by Anan Fries and A virtual essay, a tender trip into the belly of the pregnant Posthuman. Here, gender is not binary and nature and technology are not in opposition to one another. Its pregnancy, rather, is technology. Its body is fiction and reality. An autotheoretical exploration of non-normative pregnancies and the desire to find a community. It is a speculation with a future in which all bodies can be pregnant.

Anan Fries & Malu Peeters

Creator, Director, Script: Anan Fries
Creator, Composition, Sound Design: Malu Peeters
Creative Technologist, VR Developer: Ambrus Ivanyos

Digital Performers: Brandy Butler, Anan Fries, Olivia Hyunsin Kim, Ncube as Bibi, Fercha Pombo, Kübra Uzun, Wheelymum
Narrator: Anan Fries

Costume Design: Tra My Nguyen
Costume Assistant: Anne-Kristin Winzer
Costume Design Kübra: Kemal Yjlmaz

Character Animation: Lisa Kaschubat, Manuel Tozzi
3D-Design: Lisa Kaschubat

3D-Design Ectobag: Danielle Williams

Executive Producers: Anan Fries, Malu Peeters
Co-produced by HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Kaserne Basel
Co-funded by Netherlands Film Fund, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Fachausschuss Tanz & Theater BS/BL


VR Essay / Performance


«POSTHUMAN WOMBS» by Anan Fries & Malu Peeters. © Anan Fries & Malu Peeters.
«POSTHUMAN WOMBS» by Anan Fries & Malu Peeters. © Anan Fries & Malu Peeters.